Oh-h-h-h but Caren, according to an interview I watched this weekend with Jelani Cobb (Dean of Journalism at Columbia University and staff writer at the New Yorker who was also once an Associate Prof. of History at the Univ. of Connecticut and lecturer at Yale, Ron's alma mater) -- he's not ignorant of ANY history because he was a damned HISTORY MAJOR there! Check it out here: https://www.msnbc.com/alex-wagner-tonight/watch/-poisoning-the-well-florida-middle-schoolers-to-be-dragged-into-desantis-war-on-history-188959813519
Don't be fooled, this little ass-wipe knows exactly what he's doing and why. It's as you said, his "obsession with racism is completely out of step with reality." Instead of running for President, his ass needs to be running to a shrink to figure what the hell happened in his life that made him that way. {SMDH}