Oh it's changed IMMENSELY!! in the words of Billie Holiday, -- "God Bless The Child," https://youtu.be/9m7WAQE1SOs?si=wDBDweXAgqNA7Faa
That said, I will ALWAYS, AND ABSOLUTELY LOVE, Key West!! It taught me to be the woman i was meant to be!!
My ONLY best friend was born and raised in Key West (Our husbands were both Spanlings in the Navy stationed there while I was a Ruling -- TU95s, et al don't youk know) After 44 years, we are STILL FRIEINDS (I talked to her today, as matter of fact!).
Key West is no longer a place where ANY folk can settle -- you gotta have money. Locals are battling that shit, but they're not winning, and they won't because Capitalism always wins....{SMDH}