Okay, Bloom, I coulda done without the large, black ostrich feathered boa hat -- but I LOVE this young woman MADLY! I was ACTUALLY peri-menopausal when I fell in love with her -- and have followed all the shit about her since. I don't care -- CAN'T NOBODY COVER Robert Flack like this sister --NOBODY, EVAH!

(P.S. Menopause comes for alla us --just hold on! Havin' a hot-flash right now!🤣)

Deb C.🇵🇸💚
Deb C.🇵🇸💚

Written by Deb C.🇵🇸💚

Former Navy Russian linguist, Realtor, Claims Adjuster, OpEd columnist/Features writer at a small, S. Florida newspaper. Since 2007, blogged at “Let’s Be Clear”

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