So damned good to “see” you Daughter! And as always, you haven’t disappointed.
It’s insulting that the Democratic Party has allowed Bloomberg to buy his way into the election…
Darlin’, I’ve been waking up insulted by the Democratic Party for years (why I switched to Independent when they tried using that long-legged MacDaddy to tie our history to his story).
And whiteness has no damned shame, does it?? The hubris of Bloomberg in these commercials just has me shakin’ my damned head. First, cuz he thought that piss-poor apology for Stop & Frisk meant any-damned-thing to Black folk who see him; second, cuz Black folk agreed to be in them (including the Changeling, who together with his wife have parlayed “playing the game” into millions. Guess them “dolla bills y’all” is all that matters in the end to some folk)! Stacy Abrams just decided to do the same damned thing.
The DNC, minus Wasserman-Schultz & Brazil in the forefront, are so obviously at it again. And they’ll pay dearly for it…
What’s real sad, is that she’s just confirming what whiteness thinks about our Black asses: Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams covers for the billionaire Bloomberg
But rest assured, while her $5M voice is, in fact, out there and swaying some of us old, Black Boomers — know that YOUR voice is being heard too!:
Keep writing, Daughter, the chillun are listenin’…