So did I. Professional or otherwise, my Mama made sure to always lift up Black folk wherever and whenever she found them.
And no, it's not like that anymore. As a matter of fact, I just sent my best friend's daughter (who's an Asst. Principal at an elementary school in FL) some flowers celebrating her for all she's accomplished (I knew this little girl ever since she was about 9 or 10!! ).
The reason I did, was because her Black, female principal along with her other, co-working, Black teachers have been hatin' on her since she was assigned there as Vice Principal and according to her younger sister (also a teacher there), they weren't gonna do anything for her.
So I told her to hold on, I'd send her something directly to the school to piss those b*tches off for real, cuz I ain't with that not-lookin'-out-for-each-other shit. I surprised her with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and next week, she'll get my second gift, delivered at the school (a specialty sunflower jar of affirmation notes for her desk to lift her spirits when her supposed "sisters" get on her damned last nerve). And I do it, like you, cuz that's how I was raised.
Great piece!!!