Some Jill Stein opposition research:
First, let’s look closely at her record as Attorney General, California’s Top Cop: Her office fought tooth and nail against an order to decrease the inmate population after the Supreme Court ruled that the severe overpopulation of their prisons amounted to cruel and unusual punishment. Her AG office’s attorneys explicitly argued that prisoners were needed to prop up the state’s firefighters needed to combat the wildfire crisis – these inmates were making one dollar an hour for this dangerous work!
Kamala jailed the parents of young people who were skipping classes. And laughed about it.
In 2014, Kamala refused to investigate a series of police shootings in San Francisco, where she had previously been District Attorney, ignoring pleas to do so following the police murder of Michael Brown.
Now let’s look at the Gaza genocide and where she really stands: her presidential campaign coffers include access to $5,395,227 of contributions from AIPAC. She has stood by as the Biden administration has provided approximately 25 million dollars a day in military aid to Israel that has enabled them to carry out this genocide against the people of Gaza.
She co-sponsored a resolution condemning Obama for his failure to veto a U.N. resolution denouncing illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank.
She waxed poetic about the Israeli Supreme Court’s architectural design, saying “The beauty of the architecture and spirit of design left a lasting impression…The Court, like Israel, is a beautiful home to democracy and justice in a region where radicalism and authoritarianism all too often shape government.”
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Between her political history and her dismal polling, she is clearly a terrible candidate. But the billionaires love her. She has raised tens of millions since Biden’s endorsement of her on X (formerly Twitter).
Jill Stein doesn’t have billionaires, superPACs, or lobbyists. This is intentional. Jill wants to represent YOU: not big donors, AIPAC, or Wall Street.