Thanks for sharing this wonderful piece of your life! What an engrossing read on a culture I know hardly anything about. I'm trying to learn though, through Asian writers here on Medium and fortunately, through my next door neighbors here in TX. They've been so gracious to my family since we moved here five years ago and I try my damndest to return the favor, in whatever small contribution to the relationship I can make.
When tRump lost his shit over the "China virus," I made sure they knew that we were here for them and weren't gonna take any shit from anybody about them (and yes, like your parents, they have a couple restaurants). Like everybody else, their business suffered at the outset of the pandemic, but they persevered and we continually supported. They appreciated it immensely. And my personal payback, was being able to sit on my deck in the backyard and listen to their oldest son, practice the piano for a least an hour or two a day -- beautifully.