Thanks for the excellent receipts, Daughter!!! Whenever I tell folk to WAKE THE HELL UP and pay attention regarding Israel, as well as the fact that their beloved, long-legged MacDaddy, Obama was just as wrist-deep in the blood of Blacks, immigrants and yes, even Native Americans as his white predecessors — they either try to shut me down with silly straw man arguments about Israel having the right to exist (like that has anything to do with the gazillions of guilt-for-the-Holocaust dollars Israel GETS from U.S. taxpayers annually and then turn-around and GET PAID for their “killing fields” technology to wreak havoc in the U.S.) or, they relieve the Changling of ALL responsibility for a lot of this shit that happened under his watch by saying, “Well, Mitch McConnell and the Republicans wouldn’t let him do anything!” Hell for the first two years of his first term, Democrats controlled BOTH houses of Congress AND had the damned presidency! SMMFH
Folk really need to stop lying to their damned selves about the blood-soaked history of this country and interrogate the reasons why it remains that way.