That'd be a big, fat -- NOPE, Hailey!!! It may be true for you and yours, but my people are STILL under the boot of those "historical problems."
From one of your photos, I see you've perused "Without Sanctuary," -- here's a link to the whole collection if you, or anyone else is interested:
Also, in March 2019, a family from my home state of SC sued Harvard University to reclaim photos of their ancestors which the university used and profited from without the family's knowledge or consent:
They and their attorney, Ben Crump, who represented Trayvon Martin's family, are still battling the university for the return of the daguerreotypes TO THIS DAY!!
They're feeling a little more encouraged now though, because the descendants of the now-dead, sick SOB who took them for his Darwinian purposes went public in June 2019 saying Harvard should give them back to Ms. Lanier's family:
From the link above:
The lawsuit claims that Harvard has continued to profit off of the photos of Renty and Delia. For example, an image of Renty is used on the cover of a book called โFrom Site to Sight: Anthropology, Photography and the Power of Imagery,โ that is sold for $40.ย โDoes the University want to continue to gain from an image stolen from enslaved people?โ the letter asks in part after mentioning the book.
โUntil Harvard commits to redress the harm it wrought, complicity will continue to define and mar its legacy. It is our hope that releasing the daguerreotypes will be a first step in a long overdue movement of reckoning and repair.โ
So you see, quiet as its kept, the "We" to whom you refer, "born free from most of the historical problems that our ancestors had to face," must DEFINITELY mean white folk because it's definitely NOT US!!