The Democratic party has no values IMHO and it stands for the same corporate greed, corruption, wheeling and dealing as the Republicans. They're just the other side of the same coin. Neither party's governing for the people, they're working for the corporations, defense contractors in the MIC (that last defense bill was a doozy!), Big Pharma (which is, and has been cleaning up since the ACA passed). When you've got people like Pelosi (and her husband) making a mint by trading in stocks whose legislation she has overseen and forced through -- I see no values. When you watch billions of dollars being funneled to Ukraine (for this U.S.-led proxy war, begun by Obama and his minions since 2014), while the American people suffer so many unmentionable maladies as a result of both party's actions and inactions, I see neither values nor good government.
I'm so tired of the constant, "Oh the Republicans this, or Trump that" deflection from Democrats. What have they done for us lately? Rather than sitting back and watching the Rethuglicans self-destruct, they need to get their shit together and do something for the people or they're going to find themselves S.O.L. in 2024. Just my 2 cents