"The Dems are just busy getting rich. Buying one mansion after another. Buying more clothes. And then once in a while, Obama hauls his ass out and complains..."
THIS!! That's why they keep killing that damned bill to stop their asses from trading stocks on issues upon which they'e legislating! And please, Lawd I'm so tired of the Obamas -- who benefitted mightily along those buying mansions and getting rich lines! And please tell me why some of those Dems keep throwing Michelle's name out every now and then to run -- for president??!! Must be the terror of that damned Hilly hag!๐คฃ Wish she'd STFU too!
The Rethuglicans never complain about their base because they which side their bread's buttered on -- Dems don't give a shit about their base as long as they can keep terrorizing them out of their cash with the specter of tRump -- and it works every time. The money keeps rolling in, all while they allow folk like Rahm's crooked ass (along with his partner-in-crime, Obama) to keep scolding and talking down to them -- as if EITHER of them have any moral authority, or even MORALS! Go figure! And yep, the GOP keeps winning as a result {SMDH}.