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The “Supremes” uphold ICWA — for now
By a surprising, 7–2 vote, the majority ruled to reject Haaland v. Brackeen (Thomas and Alito were the usual dissenting suspects).
I’m so fuck*n happy these barren white women, with their “White Savior” mentality, don’t get to extract these children from their culture and heritage just because they thought they could.
I say “for now,” because there ARE some questions remaining in the decision, leaving the door open for a redo which I’m sure will come: Supreme Court upholds Indian Child Welfare Act, particularly because, from the link:
The court did not reach two of the challengers’ arguments — that ICWA’s placement preferences violate the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection, which generally bars the government from discriminating based on race, gender, or ethnicity, and that a provision allowing the tribes to adopt their own preferences for the placement of Native American children unconstitutionally delegates legislative power to the tribes.
I’m no lawyer, so I’d REALLY appreciate if those of you who are, would weigh in on these two questions and explain what this means — cuz it’s important I understand.