"The UN, I was like what?"
You're dead-on, Born about the plans, how they came about and why. Just like the many votes taken over the years to designate Israel a racist/apartheid state, as well as this last cease-fire vote at the UN recently, Israel and America stand alone in their vetoes. The UN sees what's going on, but they're pretty much toothless with the exception of the International Court of Justice which is in the Hague (see link in post to Craig Murray's, "Stopping Genocide" for the particulars of the "Genocide Convention" which no country to date -- not even Palestine has evoked (my thought on that is Abbas at the Palestinian Authority's so in the bag for America & its $$$$, he won't do shit & every other country has designated Hamas a terrorist state and as such, don't consider them a legitimate government in order for them to do it). {SMDH}
“You don’t get it, it’s the fanatical American Jews who are resettling Israel that are the problem, not the native population."
He's 100% correct there! It IS the Zionist Jewish settlers that are the problem, led by the fanatic Netanyahu.