Thelma, Chile -- this was excellent! Your descriptive way of pitting the US against Russia is definitely on point. The Baby Imperialist came along and has stirred up so much savage, barbaric, unforgivable shit all around the world, it's unbearable for me to stomach and I will not support it. You've described their sorry asses perfectly and yes, insecurity is indeed the watchword for these alleged United States. That is the reason as the saying goes, "If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." And a hammer is ALL they've got -- no truth-telling or critical thinking skills, no empathy, no sympathy, no concept of "enough," no diplomatic skills, no nothing.
I've never been to Russia (though I would've liked to have gone), so I can't honestly say with 100% accuracy, what they feel about Black folk. But I did know some Russians who were nothing but supportive of me and open to sharing their culture and family with me when I was studying the language. They even came to see me after my son was born, bearing gifts, which they didn't have to do.
Here's a wonderful story Dee Adams here on Medium shared that I saved. Pretty damned interesting stuff:
You say, "Russia isn't interested in appearing "nice." No they aren't, not now -- who would with all the shit the West is and has been pulling??!! For example:
But that wasn't always the case. There was a time after WWII, when they wanted to be a part of the new European security structure and a participating part of NATO after the collapse of the Soviet Union:
But they were lied to, by none other than who? The f*ckin West, led by the lying-assed Baby Imperialist
Yes, Britney's a veritable POW and a pawn. And I agree if she were white and not gay, they'd be raisin' all kinds of hell over here and in Europe. I have no faith that Jim Crow Joe's doing all he can to get her home -- or ever will {SMDH}
Sorry for going so long, but this shit enrages me to no end, given the PR campaign you mentioned that's kept Americans saying and doing such stupid shit. Thanks for writing this...