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On September 10, 2021, California Democratic Senator, Josh Becker introduced Senate Resolution 59 to proclaim November 14, “Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day” in that state. From the link:
The learning journey for Ms. Carlino’s fifth-graders began more than three years ago, when Ms. Carlino’s students were studying Black History Month. They learned about Ruby Bridges, about the landmark court ruling that enabled her to attend what had been a whites-only grammar school, and they learned that Ruby was the first, and for a while the only, Black child to attend the school. Only one teacher was willing to serve as Ruby’s instructor and no other children wanted her(sic) to attend class with her. So Ruby was taught alone, kept to herself at recess and at lunch ate only the food she brought from home, because an angry parent threatened that any other food she ate at school would be poisoned.
When a South City fifth-grader asked if there was a Ruby Bridges Day, the class also learned there was none. They decided to do something about it. They wanted the president to rectify the problem, then their teacher explained the basics about governmental process. So, the…