Wayne, while I was way too young (11) to understand all the repercussions of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty when it happened, I grew up in a Navy town and both parents worked on the Naval Base & Shipyard in Charleston, so you better know it as being talk about! Great to hear from somebody who not only actually experienced it, but knows the whole story. Thanks! As for power over our government, you're dead-on.
An instance of their power, which I WAS old enough to know about and really understand as a Navy Russian linguist in the 80s, was the Jonathan Pollard case : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Pollard -- now THAT shit showed me exactly how much the U.S. bends the knee to Israel. Had I, with my Top Secret SCI clearance done half the shit he'd done, I'd have been immediately locked up for the rest of my damned life! And of course, Bibi was knee-deep in that shit as well. {SMDH}