Well, given his background in Theological and Divinity Schools, as well being the son of a Baptist preacher, I guess he feels hard-pressed to stand by those things he was taught by those folks. I long since stopped believing in white Jesus so I'm not similarly-inclined. For me, as my grandmother always used to tell me, "It ain't what they say, Debi -- it's what they do!"
This whole runnin'-for-president thing is just weird. He announced with the People Party, then switched to the Green Party and now he's running as an Independent with some other party I know nothing about. Who in the hayell's gonna support somebody who can't even make up his own damned mind??!! {SMDH}
I think he's said and done a lot of good things, I can't lie (I'd not heard about his stance against reparations), but I'm not taking this run seriously -- at all.