What an excellent post, Brother! You've articulated EVERY.DAMNED.THING.I.FEEL about this shit!! I was so insulted when Jim Crow Joe went on the Breakfast Club and told Charlemagne, "If you don't vote for me, you ain't Black!" All I could say was, "Mother F*cka, Please!! As Maya Angelou said, "When people show themselves to you the first time — believe them." Didn't vote for his ass then , will not or his now.
As an Independent, if iI DO vote, it will NEVER be for his old ass. He needs to let it go and Democrats are stupid as hayell, believing they're tRump, fear-mongering will force a win. They're setting their asses up for a SERIOUS, beat-down and they don't seem to get it. Their hubris makes it seem like it can't possibly happen. They're so wrong, and I'm SICK of their stupid asses. A third-party vote for me is guaranteed -- if I vote at all.