Which is why the Senate will NEVER convict. These Mofos are lookin' at 2022 and hope to keep their seats for another interminable, no-term-limits era of fuck*n us over.
But we need to pay attention to the Democrat base if we’re honest. Some of these Mofos have been there longer than my children have been alive. Maxine, “I’m reclaimin’ my time” Waters from her damned mansion in LA; James, “I don’t really give a f*uck about South Carolina’s, “Corridor of Shame” (unless it positons my daughter to further f*ck over Black kids); Nancy, my Daddy was a fuckin’ crook, and so am I; Joe Biden, “I don’t give a shit about Black folk unless I’m lockin’ their Black, super-predator asses up; Kamala, Ditto Jim Crow Joe but, “Thanks Willy, I don’t need your ass anymore now cuz the white guy got me
I’m sick of all their asses!
Wouldn’t it be great if the Dems feared their base as much as the Rethuglicans did? We might actually get some shit done…