Yeah, it is a shame, but I'm not surprised because she was bringin' the damned heat and the fragile folk COULD NOT HANDLE IT!
Like I told Thelma, I don't think she would've ever voluntarily left. And right as rain, my sister had a backup plan! Thanks for the info, Darlin'! Kinda tight till I get my Social Security check right now after Xmas, but I WILL subscribe to her site!
Medium's lettin' everybody know exactly where the power lies on this sit. I'm not feelin' it. Since they already debited my account, I'll stay until that expires but, I'm gonna pick up writing there when it does. All the wonderful things I thought about Medium were lies and what they did to Marley's sure "made it plain" to me that these white, fragile, disingenuous folk still have more power than wee'll ever have -- anywhere. They can't, no won't ever look in the mirror and own their shit, so their whole premise of free speech and engagement fo change ain't about shit.