Yeah Tim, that whole "virgin birth" thing rules their thinking AND their actions! The Puritans really did a job on these folk's psyches, creating a whole group of fetishizers, denying not only their natural instincts and body positivity, but demonizing and dehumanizing those who do not feel the same. I always think of the story of Sara Baartman, the "Hottentot Venus," as they called her, as they put her (and her body parts) on display to satisfy their sick curiosity, as well as making lots of money for the pleasure of a peak. {SMDH} The "incels" go wa-a-a-y back, Tim. I think we'll be dealing with them forever, because their Puritan beliefs are so deeply ingrained and continually passed on. All I feel we can do, is call them on their shit, wherever and whenever we can. This piece is a perfect example of how. Sorry you and the wife had to deal with their shit but -- I think you both are up to the damned challenge!! Thanks again for your wonderful dissection of this madness we call Ameica....