Deb C.🇵🇸💚
3 min readJun 2, 2020


Yet again, Daughter, you've hit it out of the damned park!! But of course -- after that long-legged MacDaddy served up his symbolism with no substance to woo and keep the Black vote for the Democrats for eight years -- our people are yet again longing for a Black face in a high place, whether that "face" works for our interests or not. Hell, they need only look at the CBC and how long they’ve all been there not doing a damned thing for us to see how that shit doesn’t work (if they'd been doing what Black folk keep sending their asses to Congress to do, we might've had some real, substantive, legislative changes that seriously addressed mass incarceration, police brutality, reducing the racial wealth gap, etc., etc., etc.)!

Because of all you wrote and then some, Kamala was never even on my radar (locking up parents for their kids' truancy is nothing but true "House Negro behavior.") My brother over at The Field Negro blog has a spot on his sidebar for those who engage in either House or Field Negro behavior and he's pretty much spot-on in his determinations most of the time. I'd put Kamala there under "House" for sure!

I don't know much about Demings, but I will be talking to friends I have in Orlando to find out what kind of Police Chief she was.

I'm right there with you on Susan Rice too. I saw that fool on CNN this weekend, still thoroughly in lock-step with the Democrats' stupid, Russiagate bullshit of 2016 -- claiming Russia could be involved in stirring up the violent protests following George Floyd's murder -- like Black folk need Russia to tell us we should be "mad as hell and not taking it anymore." SMDH

As for Abrams, the mere fact that she took Stop & Frisk Bloomberg's dolla bills is MORE than enough for me not to trust her taking my Black interests to heart.

I'm just gonna say "Amen, and Amen again" about every, single word you wrote about what that Changeling Obama did and didn’t do for those eight years (the list is way longer, maybe I'll go into it another time). And as for the other Democrats you mentioned -- your question about the coroner's lie speaks volumes and deserves to be considered while following this trial. I'm still gonna hold out a scintilla of hope for Ellison though. He's at least in a position to make those cops pay if he does his job. We shall see.

Finally, you ain't never lied with that FYI, Daughter! They were mad as hell Black men got the right to vote before they did (hence their carried-over resentment for the Changeling winning over Killary) and they were equally pissed during the Suffragist Movement when Ida B. Wells refused to march in the back of the 1913 Womens Suffrage Parade. So yeah, no way they’re gonna be happy about a Black woman jumping ahead of them because it’s supposedly “their turn.” “Aunt Gloria” needs to understand that the kind of healing needed now has not a damned thing to do with having a Black-faced Pinocchio with the Democratic Party Geppetto’s hands pulling the strings. We’ve had plenty enough of that.

Keep being that outspoken, uncompromised voice for us out here, Daughter. We need you.



Deb C.🇵🇸💚
Deb C.🇵🇸💚

Written by Deb C.🇵🇸💚

Former Navy Russian linguist, Realtor, Claims Adjuster, OpEd columnist/Features writer at a small, S. Florida newspaper. Since 2007, blogged at “Let’s Be Clear”

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