
You ain't never lied there, Joe -- and that diagram of the "bits" is the shit!!! You're so damned good at what those jackass neocons are not -- TELLIN' THE DAMNED TRUTH!!! Their hubris makes me wanna throw-up in my damned mouth!

Here's the thing, only fools believe that the shit they do to others -- unprovoked -- will never be visited upon themselves. While Zelensky and all these, Western neocons, et.al keep thinking and lying out loud about all this "winning" they're doing (NOT!), all one need do is check out their TRUE-haven't-won-a-damned-war-in-forever track records to see all the bullshit they're spewing. Kleptocrats all with not a hint of shame...{SMDH}



Deb C.🇵🇸💚
Deb C.🇵🇸💚

Written by Deb C.🇵🇸💚

Former Navy Russian linguist, Realtor, Claims Adjuster, OpEd columnist/Features writer at a small, S. Florida newspaper. Since 2007, blogged at “Let’s Be Clear”

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