You and me both, Darlin'!! Like you said, so many of us are brain dead and blind about this rigged game. They listen to crazy-assed mouthpieces the system's put before them on screens small and large in order to confuse and manipulate for ITS benefit only. And yes, having been in the military, I DO know the deal -- that's why I got out. While the husband, the Italian-Americn who became white once his people came here through Ellis Island, MY SC, Isle of Palms-as-Ellis Island ancestry, gave me a whole 'nother interpretation of their asses. I saw it as a means to an end from which I could scratch back some of what was owed my people. And my boys understand it, especially the youngest, who's doing the damned thing based on what they do for "their folk." He's like, "If them, why not me?" And it's worked out wonderfully for him and his -- finally (cuz you know the hoops they'll make us jump through! Gotta know how they work, is what I always tell them).
When storms came, unlike your grandma's "Do it God, do it," my grandmother used to say, "They think they run shit, but Mother Nature's gonna show 'em who's REALLY running things!!"' And like yours, she also believed, the judgement is coming -- and so do I.
Love your shit so much, Sis -- keep 'em coming, cuz we need to keep hearing how they work!!πππ