You're welcome Darlin' and thank you for your kind words AND for understanding why I can't watch them!! But I do get your point why what they "do in the dark, must come out into the light" and why we MUST turn that into action. When I lived in Key West and wrote for the paper there, I had the awesome opportunity to help bring about a Citizen's Review Board (CRB) because those cops down there were treacherous to the Black community.
Our little committee (me, my husband, the publisher of another local, independent newspaper and his girlfriend, and two local lawyers) worked our asses off researching & writing the amendment, writing newspaper articles about the issues and opposition; drafting the petition to get it on the ballot; holding weekly community meetings, largely in the Black & Brown community to keep them apprised of what we were doing and sharing how they could help; begging for donations from whomever gave a shit and going door-to-door to get the petitions signed. We got it on the ballot and on Election Day, we sat in a bar watching the returns -- it passed in a landslide! We'd done what the politicians and some of the white folks said we couldn't do -- we changed the city charter with our amendment and the CRB is still in place today! I've never felt so empowered in my life! At least I'd been a part of making it stop there. I dug around my hard drive and found two of the articles I wrote. I'll email them to you.