You're welcome! Yeah, to be honest, I'm worn the hell out. Particularly since now, I live in TX.
The murder of Ralph Yarl, just for getting lost and ringing the wrong doorbell in MO troubles me -- because this shit never seems to end. I worry about my grown-assed sons (39 & 42) ALL THE DAMNED TIME, because: 1) they both have two kids each and 2) they're both outspoken, not-takin'-any-shit just like me (and even though their Italian-American Dad's the cooler head prevailing up in this joint, he's not takin' ANY shit regarding his family either, so we're all knee-deep in the shit if anything kicks off!). I'm tired.
And this week's the one-year anniversary of the massacre of all those children in Uvalde, while the TX legislature can't make up their mind on raising the age to buy an AR-15. I'm tired.
I hope you're right, but I don't see any movement in a positive direction for us Black and Brown folks in this country -- sadly, because folk in power don't want to admit their racism and neither do their constituents. And the beat goes on...